

Do you think you could love someone without ever seeing what they look like?

You might love the way they make you feel.
You might love the attention they give you.
You might love who you think they are. 

The fact of the matter for some is,
Leave the mystery for books and movies. 

It's ALWAYS better to get to see the person before you get to know them. 

Some may say, "It's what's on the inside that counts..." Yeah, but a person has to APPEAL to you physically as well. You have a choice as to who you choose to invest your time, love, money, energy in so why not get someone that you can be happy looking at?



It all depends on how that person makes you feel inside. They make you feel special, and you like that, so you love them. Its natural, because you're not falling physically for them, it's all emotion. It's all what you've learned about the person and ways you've connected without physical interaction. The fact that you like each other without even getting physical makes it healthier. it is the meeting of the minds and soul rather than the superficial.

Ah, mushy dog love.




Well I think you have to explore what your definition of love and or infatuation isSure it's possible to think you are falling in love with some one but what's really happening is that while you are talking to this person you are also building up a mental image of what you think this person is. It's happened innumerable times before. Two people meet on twitter/facebook and begin to talk and develop these thoughts and images of the other person. They  make plans to finally meet, and when they do they may wind up disappointed because the actual person doesn't measure up to the mental image they had built them up to be in their mind. They go back home and most of the time never bother to speak to them again. Or the date probably blew anyway, because of the disappointment so you might need paramedics to get you home.

But well I don't know about facebook or twitter, but blind people still have love. So yeah, I think people can fall in love online. Heh.



I'm not usually an intense guy. Sure, I love reading dark stuff. But it's not often that you'll catch me brooding over a failed relationship, a friendship gone sour, or an unfortunate event.
I'm the kind of guy who takes things on his stride, tries to get a  few laughs out of it and move on.
My friend lost her mother recently. She was my closest friend. My best friend. My everything.
And to see her devastated, broke me.
She displayed emotions I was alien to. Sadness in other people terrorized me. I didn't know how to deal with it. To calm her down. To be her shoulder to cry on. I didn't know how to tell her that I was there for her.

So I did what I thought was best.
I stayed away.
I thought I'd be giving her "space", but I knew it was my fear of the lack of empathy that I possessed that was keeping me away. And I'm sure she did too. There are some things that best friends just...know.
I wish there was a way I could just clasp her hand in mine, and tell her everything would be alright.


Instead even when she tried to reach out to me, out of the fear of doing something wrong to muddle things up, I awkwardly, and very stupidly, decided to stay away.
Months passed, we drifted apart, and the only time we spoke was when I was drunk out of my mind. Or she was out of hers.
That was the only time I wasn't scared of her. Of hurting her.
And when she got drunk she didn't remember a thing either.

And that's how we began bonding over alcohol. We needed each other. But couldn't handle each other normally. Somewhere down the line we grew dependent on the alcohol to help float our conversations. Things graduated to graver spirits. Then weed. Hash. Coke. Things started to slip out of hand.

 Or so we thought.

But before I go any further-
(Now, guys. Drugs are BAD. Don't even think about doing them, ever, okay? )

The drugs started messing with our heads.We weren't us anymore.
We were just two incredibly stupid kids needing controlled substances desperately hoping it'd get some control back into our lives too. Bring some order from chaos.
I couldn't tell days from nights. Men from women. The only relevant person left in my world was her. 
But I did see what the drugs were doing to her. I almost couldn't recognize her beautiful face anymore, She was painfully thin. Her eyes were just cold marbles now. She had stopped smiling.
She had been crying out for help for so long, and look what I had done. 
I chickened out. I took the easy way out, and fed her the poison. 
I was the sole one to blame for what she had become.

I tried making things better, but she was too far gone. She began hating me for trying to stop her from what we'd been doing. She retreated deeper into the shadows getting further engulfed by her inner demons in the process.
She made a new group of friends and left me.
Still. I never gave up. And I never would.
I told her family about the problem. I could not let her do this to herself.
She hated me then, and it broke my heart but I just couldn't see her in the state she was. Her family loved her, they could salvage her from the depths of helplessness she had fallen into.

I called to check on her everyday. She hung up everytime. But I was relieved, because I knew that meant she was fine.
Angry. But alright.

And then one day she left. Just like that. She was gone.
She left without telling me. Or anyone.
I miss her. And I hope shes in a better place now. She deserves it.

When morning comes again, I have the loneliness you left me
Each day drags by, until finally my time descends on me.
I go to sleep,
And imagine that you're there with me.

I loved you Nadiya.
Still do. Always will.

Diary of a wimpy kid. The Last straw.

You know how you're supposed to come up with s list of "resolutions" at the beginning of the year to try and make yourself a better person?

Well the problem is, its not easy for me to think of ways to improve myself, because im already pretty much the best person I know.
So this year my resolution is to try and help OTHER people to improve.

 For example:


But the thing is, I'm finding out is that some people don't really appreciate it when you're trying to be helpful.

Besides, after I reminded my mom for the BILLIONTH time to stop chewing her chips so loud, she made a really good point.
She said, "Everyone can't possibly be as perfect as YOU, Raj."

And from what I've seen so far I think she's right.

Of Alchohol and Angels.

I think my parents were a little drunk when I was conceived.

I mean, dont get me wrong or anything. I love them, but think about it-
Who in their right mind would name their child Raj when their family name is CHAWLA?

The whole Raj-ma Chawal connection is so painfully obvious.
Now that I think about it, that's probably the reason I've turned out so twisted and Rajma Chawal-ish.
Whatever that means.

*Sobs under the table with a bottle of Jack's*

(Me, right now)
 What? Robin's hot, you guys!

Ahem. so, yeah. I'm okay.Where was I?
Yeah. If  the12 year old numb skulled bullies who used to annoy me in school could notice the clear cut link, then why couldn't my parents?


The thought makes me want to reevaluate my entire life and probably just hide out in the bottom of the ocean forevermore.

Kill me now.

I should really stop talking about my parents' bedroom business to strangers on the internet. But bleh. I've been here for less than a week and I've found such amazing people already.
( Tofu, Anisha and Talitha. You guys are absolute angels.)
So the fact that people here are so awesome kinda makes me a little indifferent.
So I shall mope about my issues later. For now,



Hi. I'm Raj Chawla.
I used to get ragged in school because my mom would often give me Rajma Chawal for lunch. The bullies started referring to me as Rajma Chawal, and kept insulting me. I was beaten and mocked.

I would hide out in the toilets and eat my Rajma Chawal in peace. Hoping no one would barge right in and shove my face down a pot.

I became an introvert. No one knew I existed. Apart from my bullies of course.
Raj Chawla was lost in the sands of time.


They never pestered me again.
The name stuck though.
But I revel in it, Hehh.



I love food.
I love food so much i could eat food right out of my own mouth. Does that make any sense? I guess it does. Or maybe not.

And if you think sex is better than food, then you're a nincompoop. Here's why.
First. Obviously,
  • Man can live without sex. He can't live without food.
  • Man can get bored of sex. But even if he gets bored of food, he can't do without it.
  • Food tastes better.
  • There are more kinds of food than sexual positions.
  • Food has four letters, so does love. Sex has three letters, and so does Bah.


The origin.

So making and putting up a blog wasn't really my idea (It never is, is it?) And no offence to the people on here, but I thought blogging was boring. And stupid. And for idiots.
Anyway, so my friends had me an intervention and decided that I need to channelize my creative juices into something constructive rather than diluting them with booze.
I've got to deliver flowers at their graves now. Ugh.
Lol. No seriously, I could've killed them.
But now that I'm here, DUDE THIS PLACE IS-

So, this is like taking AA's to a whole new virtual level. Anyway. I ain't complaining.
I'm a reader and there's some epic stuff here.
Lets dive.

Ugh. People.

No. This isn't just any random misanthropic post. This is me hating on people who drag me to the dance floor to well, dance.
Guys, I'm perfectly happy sitting by the bar sipping on my whiskey.
And frankly, I'm doing you all some massive social service by not venturing on the dance floor.
That's me. Right there.

And honestly. I don't want girls giving me the Mckayla face. So, no. I won't dance.
Try as you might. I wont budge an inch from my seat at the bar.

Unless I need to pee.